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Invisalign clear aligners are a popular choice with both our adult and teen patients. They’re virtually invisible, making them a discreet orthodontic option and, unlike braces, you don’t have to change how you eat (since you take them out when you do).

Whether you’re considering Invisalign for adults or Invisalign for teens, Dr. Talley and Dr. Clark are here to ensure your journey is convenient, comfortable, and enjoyable. From your initial visit at our bright and modern office to the final reveal of your healthy, beautiful smile, here’s what you can expect with your Tenleytown orthodontist.

1. Your First Visit: Complimentary Consultation

Your Invisalign treatment starts with an initial visit to our Washington, DC office. During this appointment, our team will conduct a comprehensive exam and gather records. We’ll discuss your orthodontic needs, your smile goals, and any concerns you have. This thorough consultation ensures we have all the information we need to map out your personalized Invisalign treatment plan.

2. Digital Impressions with the iTero® Scanner (No more goopy molds!)

As a high-tech orthodontic office, we harness the power of technology to ensure your Invisalign treatment is as precise and customized as possible. One of our skilled team members will take digital impressions using our state-of-the-art iTero® scanner.

Unlike goopy molds, this digital process is quick and comfortable. The iTero scanner is a small, handheld wand that takes highly accurate images of your gums, teeth, and oral tissues. These images become detailed, 3D digital renderings of your mouth — models that then allow Dr. Talley and Dr. Clark to map out the exact movements of each tooth for your entire treatment in advance. Plus, you’ll get to see a preview of your final smile before even putting in the first Invisalign clear aligner with the Invisalign® Outcome Simulator.

3. Custom Clear Aligners Creation

Once your treatment plan is finalized, we send it to the Invisalign lab which uses advanced 3D-printing technology to create a series of custom clear aligners made out of their patented SmartTrack™ material. Depending on the complexity of your case, your Invisalign treatment may also include attachments on your teeth. These are small, tooth-colored buttons that give your clear aligners more leverage for complex tooth movements.

When your aligners are ready, you’ll pick them up at our office and then begin wearing them for 20 to 22 hours per day. There are no dietary restrictions with Invisalign, just simply remove them when eating and drinking anything other than water and when brushing and flossing your teeth.

If you or your teen plays sports that require a mouthguard, you’ll have to remove your Invisalign clear aligners when wearing their mouthguard. Ask us about the custom mouthguards we offer.

3. Custom Clear Aligners Creation

Once your treatment plan is finalized, we send it to the Invisalign lab which uses advanced 3D-printing technology to create a series of custom clear aligners made out of their patented SmartTrack™ material. Depending on the complexity of your case, your Invisalign treatment may also include attachments on your teeth. These are small, tooth-colored buttons that give your clear aligners more leverage for complex tooth movements.

When your aligners are ready, you’ll pick them up at our office and then begin wearing them for 20 to 22 hours per day. There are no dietary restrictions with Invisalign, just simply remove them when eating and drinking anything other than water and when brushing and flossing your teeth.

If you or your teen plays sports that require a mouthguard, you’ll have to remove your Invisalign clear aligners when wearing their mouthguard. Ask us about the custom mouthguards we offer.

4. Progressing Through Your Clear Aligners

Typically, our patients switch to a new set of aligners every week. We recommend switching at night before going to bed so you adjust to the new set while sleeping. Each new set will gradually move your teeth a bit closer to their final position.

Regular check-ups are essential to make sure your progress is on-track, so every six to eight weeks, you’ll visit our office for a quick and easy check-in. We’ll make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan or address any issues.

5. Celebrating Your New Smile!

When you reach the end of your Invisalign treatment, it’s time to celebrate your flawless smile! To maintain your new smile for life, we’ll take one final digital scan of your teeth to create your custom Vivera® retainers. These retainers are made with the same cutting-edge technology as Invisalign clear aligners. A retainer holds your teeth in their new positions, giving the bone, tissue, and ligaments time to rearrange and secure the teeth in place. Retainers are conveniently worn while sleeping with an added nightguard benefit for those who clench and grind their teeth in their sleep.

A Gorgeous Invisalign Smile with Your Washington, DC Experts

Invisalign with Bird Smiles Orthodontics means you’re in expert hands every step of the way — from the initial consultation to the final result. Whether you’re looking into Invisalign for adults or teens, our tailored approach ensures effective and lasting results.

Ready to start your Invisalign process? Contact your Tenleytown orthodontist for a complimentary consultation and take the first step toward your dream smile!

PS. Heard some things about Invisalign that make you unsure? We set the record straight on these 6 common Invisalign treatment myths.